Arcadium Bot

Arcadium Bot is a Twitch bot with a lot of fun commands.

Arcadium_bot is a Twitch bot developed for the Arcadium project. It's still in its early stages of development, but will be available for use by anyone who wants it. Additionally, there will be numerous features that can be used only on Arcadium_bot's own stream, which will eventually stream continuously in the future.

Twitch: @arcadium_bot
Arcadium Bot uses an internal "silver" based economy. Silver is similar to channel points, and can be obtained in a variety of ways, including by competing in channel battles. Each channel has its own version of silver, just like each channel has its own channel points. However, some commands need silver from Arcadium_bot's own stream. To collect silver, channel owners can compete in battles in Arcadium_bot's stream, or get tips.

Basic Commands
!join channel - Type this in my chat to have me join a channel. Your username must match the channel name (prevents spamming).

!shoo - If I'm in your channel and want me to leave, no problem.
Custom Commands
It's possible to add custom commands to your channel. Customization is limited right now, but will improve in the future.
!addcommand [command-name] [command] - Creates a new command ![command-name] with text [command]. The maximum length of the command is roughly 5,000 characters.

!remove [command-name] - removes custom command ![command-name] from the system.
This is a work in progress battle simulator. Right now there's only one option: single elimination tournaments. Eventually there will be more options, you'll be able to rank up as a player, and you'll eventually get rewards too.
Battle results are given in channel, but the full battle details can be found here.
!newbattle [players] - a mod can start a new battle for the channel

!brawl - join a battle that's waiting to start

Arcadium has a built in counter function. It's pretty easy to use but might be a little confusing if you're used to other bots. Counters start with a dollar sign($). All counters start at 0 by default.
$[counter] - start a new counter or get the current value of counter, if it already exists.

$[counter] +[value] - add [value] to counter named [counter]. This value will be converted to an integer even if a deciminal is used.

$[counter] =[value] - set [counter] to [value]
Food Options
!omakase - Serve a random type of sushi

!snack - Serve a random snack

!cheese - Everyone likes cheese, right?

!nomu - Serve a random alcoholic beverage. Drink responsibly
Pog Evolutions
This is a very simple game where you can vote for various pog evolution forms.

!ereset - Used by channel mods to reset voting

!elist - List current voting results

!evote from to - Take a vote from one evolution and give it to another